Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pixies - 狂放不羇之異想天堂( 2 )

提到 Pixies 就不由的想起求學時最愛的 Shadow Show,這個曾經陪伴我度過整個青少年時期的 Radio Show,不僅給予我最多的音樂資訊,也引發了我對 Radio Show 的瘋狂熱愛。

對於身處陌生環境與語言的十幾歲女孩來說,每周末7個鐘頭的"心靈補給" 是很重要的精神依歸,所以那時的Shadow show 在我生命中扮演極重要的角色。尤其每當脆弱,它讓我有不畏艱難繼續往前衝的能量,又每當我遭逢挫折困難,那時只需扭開音響,聽著喇叭那頭傳來的" be alternative ) ) ) ) ",馬上精神奕奕而充滿希望迎接音樂的降臨(與所有的挑戰)。接著一首又一首不限年代的Indie true sound 給予我最深的撫慰,從Punk Rock、Post punk Rock、C86 到Dream Pop、Lo Fi、 Hardcord,乃至 Madchester 等各個時代背景所涵蓋的獨立精神的忠實音樂傳達。

還記得第一次在 Shadow Show 裡聽見 Pixies 時的震驚,在一陣令人振奮的音樂聲中,即便身處攝氏零度的惡劣天候,我還是努力使喚著凍僵的手指,準備隨時按下Record 鍵。更好笑的一幕場景是,瘋狂少女摸黑蹲在家中庭院一角,然後跟著音樂節拍,情緒激動的輕聲歡呼,只因好不容易找到握在手中隨身聽的完美接收位置,然而,此時身上所寒意卻在 Black Fransis 的歌聲中熔化。他那時而狂亂的尖聲吼叫,時而輕聲低和著 La la love you 的溫甜滋味,在在都叫人陶醉。我總覺得 Pixies 鮮明的個性會讓愛他們的樂迷瘋狂喜愛,相反的,應該也有很多人不喜歡他們的恣意妄為。XD

其實,聽 Pixies 的音樂本身就是很爽的一件事,明朗的吉他聲線,與搭配得宜的低音basslines,還有那聲聲鼓擊的爆裂打點,每一擊都切中紅心的擊中要害,而且當他們玩起 Post Punk 也不像其他後龐克團體那般陰鬱低沉,帶著 Hard Code 的樂風,總是帶給樂迷很多的振奮和希望。

Pixies 主唱兼首腦人物是本名為 Charles Thompson 的 "Black Francis"。從小在加州出生成長的他,在高中時隨著家人移居東岸,並開始接觸搖滾樂。

1986年,當時還在學校主修人類學的 Black Francis 遠赴西班牙當起了交換學生,當他回到美國之後即興起組團念頭,於是找了自己的室友 Joey Santiago 一起練習樂器,並且張貼告示海報積極招募其他團員。Kim Deal 經過面試之後,成為了樂團中的貝斯手,並透過她的關係,同鄉的鼓手也加入了樂團。從此,Pixies 這個傳奇樂團開啟屬於他們的音樂傳奇之旅。

隔年,他們錄製了一張迷你專輯"Come on pilgrim",在這張作品中,他們以隨性的人聲與旋律唱出一段段有關生命、死亡與性的狂想,其特殊風格立即引起英國獨立唱片4AD的賞識,並獲得一紙合約。

1988年春天,Pixies 在4AD旗下錄製的首張專輯"Sufer Rosa"問世。
不過這張專輯一開始並沒有造成太大的轟動,但是他們狂放不羇的大膽風格卻頗受到大學電台的喜愛,不僅如此,"Sufer Rosa" 也十分受到英國樂評的青睞,許多權威樂評紛紛給予他們極高的評價。(待續..)

Pixies - Wave Of Mutilation

Cease to resist, giving my goodbye
Drive my car into the ocean
You'll think I'm dead, but I sail away
On a wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation

I've kissed mermaids, rode the El Niño
Walked the sand with the crustaceans.
Could find my way to Mariana
On a wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation

Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation
Wave of mutilation

Pixies - La La Love You

由鼓手 David Lovering 演唱的 La La Love You 十分受大家歡迎,是一首相當可愛的歌..

[whistle] yeah
i love you
i do
i love you
all i'm saying pretty baby
la la love you don't mean maybe
all i'm saying pretty baby
first base
second base
third base
home run
[whistle] yeah
i love you
i do
i love you
all i'm saying pretty baby
la la love you, don't mean maybe
all i'm saying pretty baby

Pixies - Here Comes Your Man

outside there's a box car waiting
outside the family stew
out by the fire breathing
outside we wait 'til face turns blue
i know the nervous walking
i know the dirty beard hangs
out by the box car waiting
take me away to nowhere plains
there is a wait so long
here comes your man

big shake on the box car moving
big shake to the land that's falling down
is a wind makes a palm stop blowing
a big, big stone fall and break my crown
there is a wait so long
you'll never wait so long
here comes your man
there is a wait so long
you'll never wait so long
here comes your man

Pixies - The Happening

they got a ranch they call
number fifty-one
they got a ranch they call
number fifty-one
can't see it all
'less your flying by
just sitting there square
baking in the sun
beneath the sky

they're gonna put it down
right on the strip
they're gonna put it down
on the Vegas strip
they're gonna put it down
and step outside
into the lights
right outta that ship

saying Hi!

i was driving doing nothing on the shores of Great Salt Lake
when they put it on the air i put it in the hammer lane
i soon forgot myeslf and i forgot about the brake
i forgot all laws and i forgot about the rain
they were talking on the 9 and all across the amy band
across the road they were turning around and headed south with me
it got so crowded on the road i started driving in the sand
my head was feeling scared but my heart was feeling free
the desert turned to mud it seems that everybody heard
everybody was remembering to forget they had the chills
then i heard the voices on a broadcast from up on the bird
they were getting interviewed by some Goodman whose name was Bill
i'm almost there to Vegas where they're puttin' on a show
they've come so far i've lived this long at least i must just go and say


  1. 果然音樂聽在不同人耳朵裡有不同的效果,pixies能撫慰yasmin的心靈,怎麼我聽亂想叨根煙找人幹架滴~(想像自己變成神力女超人,酒館裡砸酒瓶、翻桌、揮拳幹倒一批混混的畫面~)

  2. 其實這道理很簡單啦,就是不同年齡,不同想法,不同音樂歷程,會產生完全不同結果。別忘了,這是個人十幾歲聽的音樂,而我本來就不是溫馴的乖乖少女。

  3. 我從小就是個乖孩子,我把我的叛逆、失序、脫軌、憤怒、疑惑通通都寄託在這些才子身上了~(雖然一轉眼這些才子大多已經變成了中年大叔或老阿公,哈!)

  4. 哈哈哈哈哈哈

  5. 電影接觸未來(CONTACT)透過女主角,茱蒂福斯特(Jodie Foster),來描述「科學與信仰的拉距戰」。

    then...(office time,請自行加料想像或找DVD來看)


    ps. 這次留言的重點是要說Pixies唱出了這麼多「情歌」耶!(原來La La Love You是鼓手唱的)

  6. 其實我的這些兒時回意猶如自己最愛的電影情節般的深刻。
    每個人都有屬於自己的"那些日子",回頭看看自己曾經有過的青春歲月,它是開心的?是溫暖的?是孤寂的?還是每天埋首於書堆中的書呆子? 而這些記憶鮮明的回憶永遠存在你我心中,不管好或壞。


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    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!
