Tuesday, August 19, 2008

定格 ( 二 )

如果有人認為 New Order 的存在,
只為了延續 Joy Division 未能完成的音樂理想,

Joy Division 這支曾經叱吒英倫的地下 Post Punk 樂團,
在主唱 Ian Curtis 自殺後被迫劃下了句點。
其餘的團員則在主唱身亡後, 試圖走出陰影,
重新在廢瓦礫堆下建立了屬於自己的新樂團 New Order ~

重新出發後的 New Order 在痛失了靈魂主唱後,

試圖走出Curtis 死亡陰影的New Order ,
在1981年3月推出了第一首的單曲 [Ceremony] ,
不過在風格上仍舊延續了Joy Division 的灰色色彩~

幾個月後, New Order 推出了他們的的第一張專輯[Movement],
而這張專輯在曲風上已經和 Joy Division 走向兩個完全不同的音樂路線,
他們發展出一種不同於Joy Division 時期全新樂風 ~

盡管他們的作品裡,偶爾還是看的到 Joy Dision式的冷冽疏離感,
但是, 加重了合成器的強烈電子節奏,
搭配 Bernard Sumner 悲傷而又冷酷的嗓音,
還有鏗鏘強烈的鼓擊,這樣全新的 New Order 的確令人震憾!

仔細聆聽New Order 的音樂,
大都呈現出一種"Sad lyrics, happy melody" 的感覺..

而我本身也很喜歡 Sumner 歌聲中的疏離與不協調感,
這種不修毛邊的粗糙唱法, 顯得十分率性而又低調。

New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle

Every time i think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
While every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

New Order - Love Vigilantes

Oh Ive just come
From the land of the sun
From a war that must be won
In the name of truth
With our soldiers so brave
Your freedom we will save
With our rifles and grenades
And some help from god
I want to see my family
My wife and child waiting for me
Ive got to go home
Ive been so alone, you see

You just cant believe
The joy I did recieve
When I finally got my leave
And I was going home
Oh I flew through the sky
My convictions could not lie
For my country I would die
And I will see it soon
I want to see my family
My wife and child waiting for me
Ive got to go home
Ive been so alone, you see

When I walked through the door
My wife she lay upon the floor
And with tears her eyes were sore
I did not know why
Then I looked into her hand
And I saw the telegram
That said that I was a brave, brave man
But that I was dead
I want to see my family
My wife and child waiting for me
Ive got to go home
Ive been so alone, you see

New Order - Ceremony (live 87)

(每每聽到 Ceremony ,就會激動的想哭...我ㄧ定一定要去參加N.O.的Live Concert~)

This is why events unnerve me
They find it all a different story
Notice whom four wheels are turning
Turn again and turn towards this time
All she asks the strength to hold me
Then again the same old story
World will travel oh so quickly
Travel first and towards this time

Oh I'll break them down, no mercy shown
Heaven knows It's got to be this time
Watching her, these things she said,
Times she cried, to frail to wake this time

Oh I'll break them down, no mercy shown
Heaven knows It's got to be this time
Avenues all lined with trees
Picture me and then you start watching
Watching forever, forever
Watching love grow, forever
Letting me know, forever.

New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle (Live)

Every time i think of you
I feel shot right through with a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine but it's a problem I find
Living a life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
While every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say


  1. yasmin姐看過"控制"(Control)嗎?

    那是描述Joy Division的主唱Ian Curtis生平的電影 全片是以黑白畫面呈現 帶點冷調的氛圍 配上Joy Division的歌曲 是一部很有感覺的片子

    小生前天租來欣賞 正好妳這篇文章有提及Joy Division 順便向妳推薦一下

  2. 親愛的,

    昨天我正想著 哪裡可買到這張DVD,還擔心找不到呢...
    想不到弟弟你今天就捎來這訊息,真是太愛你了! 其實 Joy Division 是我一直以來的至愛..

    等我看完了再來寫感想文。 謝謝你!!

  3. 馬上來去買!

    I'm Lost Control.

  4. 不知道為什麼,

    真怕 又一次 掉入 萬丈深淵。

  5. 本文頭帖回應的作者十分有禮~

  6. 樓上那位莫非是葉葉同學
    久違久違 幸會幸會

    這樣說會不會太做作啊 @_@

  7. 謝謝樓上兩位小朋友

    不過你們 真的很做作

  8. 你怎麼這麼久沒打電話給我

  9. 我的媽呀,

    好好好, 我打我打~~

  10. 阿倫
    這裡有很多電影 Control 的相關文章

  11. 我喜歡new order 更喜歡 joy division 他們都好棒 沒有人能取代他們!
    只是每次聽joy division 就會有一種莫名的感傷!

  12. 等[Control]發行後,

    等你12月回台灣時 再給你,OK!?
